Ensure Construction Safety with a Horizontal Drilling Machine

A horizontal drilling machine is a trenchless, steerable drilling rig for installing cables, conduits, and pipes underground in a shallow arc. This device is usually utilized for installing below roadways and waterways for avoiding disturbing the ground above.

Generally, a horizontal drilling machine is a heavy-duty vehicle fitted with operator controls, track drives, and drilling device. Materials utilized for pipes incorporate steel, ductile iron, polypropylene, polyethylene, and PVC.

Operation of a directional drilling machine

A directional drilling machine installs both large and small diameter lines. Generally, the installation is a 2-step procedure. The initial step is by utilizing a drill head for drilling in 1-5 inch pilot hole at an angle, with the use of the ground as a reference. The next step engages the replacement of the drill head using a reaming machine like a fluid-supported drill, a dry bore system or a high-pressure fluid jetting system for enlarging the hole to the preferred size. Since the reamer is pulled back the pilot hole is expanded and pulls the conduit or pipe back with it.

Wuhan Yichao Technology Equipment Co. Ltd offers the most reliable horizontal drilling machine to make sure your construction safety. Contact us for the ideal guidance with the best technical performance.


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